• Question: can Nano-technology be used in drugs

    Asked by sloth-savior to Aaron, David, Elaine, Sarah, Zoe on 17 Nov 2014.
    • Photo: Zoe Roberts

      Zoe Roberts answered on 17 Nov 2014:

      Yes very much so. There are scientist that are investigating the use of particles that can encapsulate a drug and then inject the drug into the area in need of the drug and then the capsules will slowly degrade releasing the drug at a predetermined rate. A good example of this technology is for the release of insulin. Scientists are working on particles that can detect low insulin levels and release enough insulin to bring the levels back up to normal. One of the great aspects of this technology is that because you can inject it into the body it doesn’t have to be taken by mouth and pass through the digestive system (were it gets broken down) before it reaches the blood and eventually the area it is needed.

    • Photo: Aaron Acton

      Aaron Acton answered on 17 Nov 2014:

      Yes, my entire research is based upon using nano-technology for drug delivery. From forming polymer drug delivery systems to, nano-caspules to biological implants. Nano-technology is the future of drug delivery I believe!!

    • Photo: Sarah Ashwood

      Sarah Ashwood answered on 17 Nov 2014:

      There is a lot of research going into nanotechnology in the drug industry. This is generally in terms of drug delivery. Zoe has mentioned the use of a system where by the drug is contained in a coating which carries it through the body and injects the drug into your system at a predetermined rate. These sorts of processes are becoming more and more sophisticated and I’m sure will be more widely available in years to come!

    • Photo: David Foley

      David Foley answered on 17 Nov 2014:

      Learning stuff myself here 🙂
