• Question: Do you believe that science can be used, in the case of Religious people, to further their understanding of their deity? Does it stop them from doing science?

    Asked by Lorelei to Aaron, David, Elaine, Sarah, Zoe on 14 Nov 2014.
    • Photo: Zoe Roberts

      Zoe Roberts answered on 14 Nov 2014:

      I don’t think science can help religious people further understand their deity as what they believe is written down. I also don’t see why they should be hindered in anyway doing science. I have worked with people from many religions and they have loved science just as much as I do!

    • Photo: David Foley

      David Foley answered on 15 Nov 2014:

      Personally, I find that gaining new insight how the universe works does help me become closer to my God. It certainly does not stop me from being a scientist.

    • Photo: Sarah Ashwood

      Sarah Ashwood answered on 20 Nov 2014:

      Religion doesn’t stop people doing science. In fact in many ways discovering more about the wonder of the universe through science does make people feel closer of their deity as they feel they understand “his work” (or hers!!) more. Personally I am not religious, but I work with any people who are and while it sometimes will influence their lives it doesn’t hinder their scientific career in any way.
