• Question: I wear a cochlear implant, do you think they will improve the science so I dont have to wear aids attached to my head?

    Asked by shimmey to Aaron, David, Elaine, Sarah, Zoe on 14 Nov 2014.
    • Photo: Sarah Ashwood

      Sarah Ashwood answered on 14 Nov 2014:

      Yes! Technology is getting smaller and smaller, and this means that medical devices are able to get smaller and smaller so eventually you’ll be able to have something tiny that does the same job without a load of aids attached.

    • Photo: David Foley

      David Foley answered on 15 Nov 2014:

      Stem cell research may lead to ways to improve or restore hearing

    • Photo: Zoe Roberts

      Zoe Roberts answered on 17 Nov 2014:

      Yeah very much so! Technology is improving all the time. We are able to make components smaller than before but with even greater memory.
