• Question: Is there a cure for eczema?

    Asked by ExplosiveBiskit to Aaron, David, Sarah, Zoe on 19 Nov 2014.
    • Photo: David Foley

      David Foley answered on 19 Nov 2014:

      No there is currently no cure for eczema. The current treatment still revolves around steroids. In Dundee we have a special unit dedicated to studying skin diseases including eczema so perhaps in a decade or so we will have something. I suffer myself, so I really hope they do!

    • Photo: Sarah Ashwood

      Sarah Ashwood answered on 19 Nov 2014:

      Unfortunately there isn’t a cure – just treatements to try and minimise symptoms. Steroidal treatements have the most success. But like David said – research is going into this so maybe one day they’ll develop a cure!
